The Most Effective Body Parts to Hit


When You Are In A Confrontation, You Have Only A Few Seconds And A Few Moves Before You Try To Fight Decided May Be Before An Attacker Has Acquired Total EV Control Of You, You Have Done To Do All You Can - Energy As Possible Sea - For An Injury That Can Escape. (This Is Not The Moment Being Civil) in Physics A Confrontation that Requires Self-Defense is Injured or Injured) So an Aim the contradictory of the Body Where It Can Be Done Mayor Damage easily. Eyes, nose, ears, NECK the groin, knee and legs.

Nose: If the attacker this Near you, Use the palm heel of the hand to hit Under the nose; Throwing all the weight of your body in motion to cause the greatest pain and control of your body has to loosen you over. If this Behind You, you CAN bang your nose (front side or) with your elbow. Of all mods, the objective of the nasal bones.

Neck ;The lateral neck of a target m is larger, where it FINDS carotid artery to the jugular vein are. If attacker could paralyze temporarily he knew with UN knife in hand (Fingers held straight together and, and With Thumb Bent Slightly Bent Fingers) on the side of the neck. (Párr Injuries: Even more, he could push the elbow in his throat WHILE his aggressor is throwing the weight of his Body Ahead.

Eyes: Gouger, itching or the eyes of the attacker scratch with the fingers or Joints Serious Effectiveness, As It Can Imagine. : In addition to causing a lot of pain, but also making it easier to escape by interfering less with your vision.

Knee: Not Said Knee Is A Goal m ideals All self defense from vulnerable angles and easy to run any case Introduce the cake. Push the part of the knee causing Injuries to or your attacker partially neutralize. Hitting the front part of the knee may most likely cause injury, but is likely due to less imbalance.

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