Pizza Dough Recipe, Easy To Make At Home


Here's how to make the easy pizza dough recipe at home after following these steps below.


Plain flour      1/2kg

Dry milk         2 tabs

Yeast               1tbs

Oil                    2tbs

Icing sugar       1tsp

Salt                  1/2tsp

Lukewarm water

Prepare the flour, milk powder, baking powder, butter oil, powdered sugar, ½ teaspoon. In a teaspoon salt, 1 cup warm water Put in a bowl and beat well until smooth. Using enough flour to make the dough just earn enough to handle. Knead until smooth. Give rest for at least 2 hours. Divide the dough into three parts. Place half of the dough in the center of each mold and extend the edge with your hands. You can also make butter fingers. If the dough is too sticky, add a little flour. Expand your pizza sauce and add the meat and vegetables of your choice.

Enjoy your meal

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